Beyond the Doors Fundraising

Help us remove barriers to reading, literacy and learning

Beyond the Doors aims to remove barriers to library services for people within our community experiencing disadvantage.
All funds raised support the delivery of targeted and meaningful literacy, learning and engagement initiatives in consultation with local community partners.
Your donation will help provide access to reading, literacy and learning for those most in need.



Whitehorse Manningham Libraries believe that having access to quality library services changes lives. For some in our community there are barriers to access due to disadvantage, social isolation or other life circumstances. We want to grow our capacity to reach people in our local community who may need extra support to access library programs and resources so that they too can experience the benefits that library services can provide.

How will programs be funded?

100% of donated funds will be used to support the delivery of initiatives designed to increase access for those at risk of being excluded. All administration costs including marketing, staffing and governance will be covered by the library.

Will any donated funds be used for core library services and programs?

No, all donated funds will be used to deliver targeted initiatives in consultation with local community partners. All programs delivered using donated funds will be in addition to existing core library services and programs. All donations will be placed in a special fund that can only be used specifically towards special extension services. WML is required to report to on all fund raising activities. A copy of the Annual Report can be found here. 

Are donations tax deductable?

Yes. All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. A tax receipt will be provided for donations of $2 or more.

How can I donate?

All donations are made to Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation (ABN 969 34 505 907)
Cash and cheque donations may be made at any of the eight Whitehorse Manningham Library branches.
Cheques should be made payable to Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation.

Donations can be made online

What if I would like to donate to another library program?

If you would like to discuss giving a direct gift to the library please contact Sally Both on 9896 4333