Reports, Plans & Policies

Strategic Documents


The WMRLC budget outlines the Corporation's financial plan for the year. 

WMRLC Budget 2024 / 2025(PDF, 1MB)

Collection Management Policy

The Collection Management Policy outlines Whitehorse Manningham Libraries plan for managing all library collections.

Collection Management Policy 2021 - 2025(PDF, 285KB)

Customer Service Charter

The Customer Service Charter outlines how we will deliver our service to our community.

Customer Service Charter(PDF, 1MB)  

Library Plan

The Library Plan sets the strategic direction of the Corporation for a four year period. Each year an annual action plan details how the library service will deliver key objectives.

Library Plan 2021 - 2025(PDF, 2MB)



WML ICT Strategy 2021 - 2025



Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI) gives the public a legal right to access many documents in Whitehorse Manningham Libraries' possession. However some documents cannot be accessed to protect the public interest and some private and business affairs. These exemptions may include but are not limited to:

  • Internal working documents
  • Documents relating to legal proceedings
  • Documents affecting the personal privacy of others
  • Documents already publicly available or available by paying a fee under an act other than the Freedom of Information Act;
  • Documents created before 1 January 1989 that do not relate to the personal affairs of the applicant

All FOI requests should be addressed to:
The Freedom of Information Officer
Whitehorse Manningham Libraries
PO Box 3083

For a Freedom of Information request to be considered valid it must:
Be in writing
Provide sufficient information to identify the document(s)
Be accompanied by a lodgment fee of $32.70 (from 1 July 2024) (this fee is non refundable).

If payment is deemed to cause financial hardship it may be waived or reduced.

A list of further costs that may be charged can be found by at the OVIC Freedom of Information website

On receipt of a valid FOI application, a decision must be made within 30 days. When an application is refused or deferred, the applicant will be notified in writing of the reasons for denial/deferral. If the applicant is not satisfied they can seek an internal review by writing to the Freedom of Information Commissioner within 28 days.

Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC)
PO Box 24274
Melbourne Victoria 3001

For more information on the FOI Act and procedures call Manager Corporate Services on 9896 4333, by mail at the address above or visit the Freedom Of Information website.



Fundraising and Bequests

Fundraising assists in the provision of additional library programs to help support the key objectives of the Library Plan.

Bequest Policy(PDF, 197KB)

Ethical Fundraising Policy(PDF, 180KB)

Sponsorship Policy(PDF, 209KB)


The Whitehorse Manningham Regional Library Corporation is a Local Government Authority with the operations and responsibilities of the Corporation being defined under the Local Government Act (1989). The Corporation is governed by the Library Board, which is responsible for overall governance and policy direction.

Audit Committee Charter(PDF, 322KB)

Code of Conduct - Library Board(PDF, 385KB)

Community Representatives - Guidelines for Library Board(PDF, 301KB)

Election Period Policy(PDF, 305KB)

Local Law 3 - Meetings(PDF, 401KB)

Local Law 4 - Services(PDF, 303KB)

Procurement Policy(PDF, 380KB)

Public Interest Disclosure Procedures(PDF, 568KB)


Information Privacy

The Information Privacy Policy outlines how Whitehorse Manningham Libraries will ensure compliance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic).

Information Privacy Policy(PDF, 213KB)

Recruitment and Selection

Whitehorse Manningham Libraries (WML) is committed to ensuring that recruitment and selection decisions are based on the principle of merit. Employees will be selected on the basis of whether they have the right skills, qualifications and other talents that are required to do the job.

WML is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to ensuring that all applicants for selection or promotion are not discriminated against on any of the grounds of discrimination contained in equal opportunity laws and consistent with the Corporation’s Equal Opportunity Policy. 

Recruitment and Selection Policy(PDF, 255KB)

Volunteers and Work Experience

Whitehorse Manningham Libraries provides opportunities for members of the community to volunteer and complete work placements in a range of roles.

Volunteer Policy(PDF, 265KB)

Work Experience Policy(PDF, 497KB)