Inter Library Loans: Request an item from another library service

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Whitehorse Manningham Library users can borrow from other library services (including University and Special Libraries) via our Inter Library Loan service.

How much does an Inter Library Loan cost?

Standard fee from another Victorian Public library: $12.10
Borrowed from State, University or Special library: $33.60
Borrowed from State, University or Special library (electronic copies): $21.80

Bulk Loans of items in a language not held by Whitehorse Manningham Libraries: Free

Submit a request below. 


Submit request online

Step 1.Search the library catalogue to make sure item is not held by WML 

Step 2.Submit request via online form

Submit request by phone

Step 1.Search the library catalogue to make sure item is not held by WML

Step 2.Contact Inter-Library Loans Officer by phone

9872 8629